Congress of Neighbourhood Councils – aftermovie and photoreportage

We have been producing regular film and photographic material for the Wrocław City Council for almost a decade. This time, we were commissioned by the Wrocław Centre for Social Development to prepare a film report and a photo essay on the first edition of the Congress of Neighbourhood Councils.

On Vireo Media’s side was the comprehensive preparation of the production from A to Z, that is::

  • development of the film concept
  • production of video footage
  • production of photoreportage
  • aftermovie editing
  • selection of background music
  • postproduction of video and sound
  • processing of more than 500 photos in less than 48 hours after the event

The Wroclaw Social Development Centre is an organisational unit of the Municipality of Wroclaw. Our activities are aimed at senior citizens, foreigners living in Wrocław, children, young people, parents and all Wrocław residents.


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